Sort Data in Pivot Table by Column Descending Order

Copper Contributor

Hi Everyone,


I created a pivot table and I am trying to sort the information in it by a specific column. I am trying to sort the table by "TOTAL REPS". I tried clicking on the "Sort" icon beside "FORMATION" then sorting the table in descending order by the "TOTAL REPS" column, but it gives me the same result of the orginal table. How can I sort my table by the "TOTAL REPS" column so that table is numerical sorted in descending order based on the "TOTAL REPS" value?



Pivot table to sort by TOTAL REPSPivot table to sort by TOTAL REPS


Excel PivTable Example 2.png

3 Replies

@Jarrod_James Try right-clicking inside one of the values in the TOTAL REPS column - that should provide a Sort option

@adversi  Thanks! This helped, but I still have to manually sort the particular values one subsection at a time. Is there a way for my entire table to sorted like that automatically?

@Jarrod_James Make sure you are right-clicking inside one of the values in the subcategory to control the sorting. If the problem persists, can you share the workbook, replacing any sensitive data that may exist.