Copper Contributor

Just so you know.
I had a stroke 9 years ago, I am aphasic (I speak badly) and I am hemiplegic.

In expenses 2022, I am trying to do this:

- sum of the amount month by month;
- current account - ' 7504 ', household - ' 4380 ', current account - ' 9888 '.
- element metro, butcher, restaurant, ...

"We have encountered 1 error in this formula...

Can you please help me?


Capture d’écran 2022-01-14 à 08.51.55.png

3 Replies

@Jean-Marc_Aloy The formula you are using is difficult to read from the screenshot, but I believe you are applying an incorrect syntax for the SUMIFS function. As a simple example, this formula (in English notation) will work:



But this one (what you seem to have used) will not and will produce the error message you encountered:



Look into the help pages for the SOMME.SI.ENS function. It should all be explained there.


I am on a "MAC"


@Jean-Marc_Aloy That doesn't matter. The rules for SUMIFS are the same on Mac and PC.