series data,

Copper Contributor

how to change cell references so as to extend series

3 Replies

@iancb17 Please elaborate!


I have an excel file with daily covid cases and deaths data from the start for several places in Indonesia. I added four charts for different groups of places. Only two of these charts update automatically when I add columns. I wrote the file in LibreCalc (LC) but there were update difficulties so I switched to Office 365. In LC I could at least see what cells were include but in Office so far I cannot, inspite of spending hours on Help. Please tell me how to see and change cell addresses for each series. Best of course would be a way to change all of the series together (which I so far cannot do in LC.

@iancb17 When you select a chart, the "Chart Design" ribbon appears at the top. Click it and look for the  "Select Data" icon.

Screenshot 2021-03-03 at 05.54.10.png 

Here you can change the data ranges used in your chart.