Selecting date intervalls

Copper Contributor



I have a column with a header that contains date intervalls for project activities (e.g. 21.05.2020 - 10.10.2020). In the header I would like to filter only activities that are valid within a spesific time period (e.g. July 2020). The problem is that the filter function in the drop down menu only allows for activities ONLY taking place in July to show, not those that span across July AND other months.


Is there any way around this? The date intervalls in the column are exported from another sheet in the same workbook. 




2 Replies


Hard to tell unless you upload a sample file to visualize what exactly you are trying to achieve.

Maybe you can insert two helper columns, one having the start time interval and another having the end time interval and then you can filter your data based on the helper columns.


From your question, you have dot (.) as your date separator - 21.05.2020 to 10.10.2020. It's important that you have the same date separator on your system dot (.)

If that's satisfied, you can click on the filter button in the column that contains date and filter what you want