Seeking Recommendations for Excel Data Cleaner

Copper Contributor

Every month I get about 40 Excel files and need to clean the data (remove extraneous rows and columns, remove unnecessary headers, ensure all values are numbers not text, convert merged cells to regular cells, etc.). Is there such a thing as an Excel data cleaner that can do something like this across all 40 excel files if I put it them in a folder with the click of a button? If yes or if you know of anything similar, please post recommendattions below.



3 Replies
If every 40 files has same or identical corrections,, then VBA macro can be used to clean,, but you need to share one WB along with recommended corrections.

I do this all the time maybe I can help you. Can you upload a sample file that points out the data cleaning tasks? If you have sensitive data just replace it with something random.



Many roads lead to Rome, as well as many proposed solutions in Excel lead to a solution.

Here is a small VBA example to clean files / worksheets, etc. yourself, you just have to adapt to what you want to clean exactly.


Sub clean ()
Dim wksA As Worksheet
Dim rngB As Range
Dim lngLine As Long
Dim lngLastline As Long
Set wksA = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets ("Sheet1") 'adjust !!
lngLlastZeil = wksA.Cells (wksA.Rows.Count, 2) .End (xlUp) .Row

wksA.AutoFilterMode = False
wksA.Range (wksA.Cells (4, 1), wksA.Cells (last line, 22)). Sort _
    Key1: = wksA.Cells (4, 21), _
    Order1: = xlDescending, _
    Header: = xlNo, _
    OrderCustom: = 1, _
    MatchCase: = False, _
    Orientation: = xlTopToBottom, _
    DataOption1: = xlSortNormal

For lngZeile = lngLlastZeil To 5 Step -1
 If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf (wksA.Range (wksA.Cells (3, 2), wksA.Cells (lngZeile, 2)), wksA.Cells (lngZeile, 2))> 1 Then
  wksA.Rows (lngZeile) .Delete
 End If

'possibly. sort the names
last line = wksA.Cells (wksA.Rows.Count, 2) .End (xlUp) .Row
wksA.Range (wksA.Cells (4, 1), wksA.Cells (last line, 22)). Sort _
    Key1: = wksA.Cells (4, 2), _
    Order1: = xlAscending, _
    Header: = xlNo, _
    OrderCustom: = 1, _
    MatchCase: = False, _
    Orientation: = xlTopToBottom, _
    DataOption1: = xlSortNormal
End Sub

'From German to English translate




I know I don't know anything (Socrates)