Searching Column A for 3 different values

Copper Contributor

I am trying to create a formula that will search each row in Column A for one of 3 values :    When the text is "Level:  C" , I want "Coverage" to appear in Column E until the text "Level:  L" is found then I want "Level" to be put in Column F until the text "Level: R" is found then I want "Region" to be put in Column F.  How can I write a formula that will retain the value until the next value is found?

Company  Report    
State Vehicles    
State Vehicles    
                                                  Data  Field Field      Field
    Field Name                                    Type  Size  Usage      Status
Level:  C    
actionInd                                            A   1  D    Filed
adminEmployeesStore                           N   15  P    Filed
adminFullTimeBasicStore                       N   15  P    Filed
adminFullTimeStore                            N   15  P    Filed
adminInsuredCd                                  A   15  D    Filed
adminInsuredCode                                A   2  D    Filed
annualSizePremCredit                                 N   15  P    Filed
automaticIncreaseFactor                              N   9  P    Filed
automaticIncreaseOfInsurance                         A   2  D    Filed
automaticIncreaseOfInsurancePct                      N   3  D    Filed
baseEmployees                                        N   9  P    Filed
basicPerc                                             N   9  P    Filed
basicPerc2                                            N   9  P    Filed
basicPerc3                                            N   9  P    Filed
basicStore                                         N   15  P    Filed
basicRate                                            N   9  P    Filed
beginDate                                            D   10  D    Filed
StoreRevenueExclusionFactor                        N   9  P    Filed
StoreRevenueExtraExpenseAmt                       N   9  P    Filed
StoreRevenueLimitationFactor                       N   9  P    Filed
StoreRevenueNoWaitFactor                           N   9  P    Filed
StoreRevenuePerOfRstorAmt                         N   9  P    Filed
byobInd                                              A   5  D    Filed
combSpecialRatingAmt                                N   9  P    Filed
commSupplyNoOverHeadLineRate                         N   9  P    Filed
commSupplyOverHeadLineRate                           N   9  P    Filed
companyDeviationFactorApplies                        A   5  D    Filed
yearBuilt                                            N   4  D    Filed
Level:  L    
annualDiscThresholdDifference                        N   15  P    Filed
annualMNSurcharge                                    N   15  A    Filed
annualTerritoryAmt                               N   15  P    Filed
atLimitInterimAnnualPremDisc                         N   15  A    Filed
BI_numberOfDays                                      N   3  D    Filed
billableAmtLOB                                   N   15  A    Filed
StoreRevenueExclusionInd                           A   5  D    Filed
StoreRevenueLimit                                  N   9  D    Filed
StoreRevenueLimitationInd                          A   5  D    Filed
Company  Report    
State Vehicles    
State Vehicles    
                                                  Data  Field Field      Field
    Field Name                                    Type  Size  Usage      Status
Level:  L    
StoreRevenueNoWaitInd                              A   5  D    Filed
StoreRevenuePerOfRstorInd                          A   5  D    Filed
companyDeviationLOB                                  N   9  P    Filed
conversionPSF                                        N   9  D    Filed
coverageAnnualAmt                                N   15  A    Filed
coverageGrossAnnualAmt                           N   15  A    Filed
coverageGrossIncrementalPrem                         N   15  A    Filed
coverageGrossTermAmt                             N   15  A    Filed
coverageIncrementalAmt                           N   15  A    Filed
coverageTermAmt                                  N   15  A    Filed
errorCode                                            N   9  P    Filed
expenseFactor                                        N   9  D    Filed
extendedPeriodIndemnityInd                           A   5  D    Filed
DiscBeforeOrAfter                                    A   5  P    Filed
DiscModTotalCreditDebitPctLOB                        N   9  D    Filed
DiscThresholdMet                                     A   5  P    Filed
liabilityDamageDeductibleAmt                         N   9  D    Filed
onsetAmtLOB                                      N   15  A    Filed
policyGrossTermAmtLOB                            N   15  A    Filed
policyOnsetSurchargesLOB                             N   15  A    Filed
policyOnsetTaxesLOB                                  N   15  A    Filed
policyTermBTM_LOB                                    N   15  P    Filed
policyTermAmtLOB                                 N   15  A    Filed
policyTermSurchargesLOB                              N   15  A    Filed
policyTermTaxesLOB                                   N   15  A    Filed
premPlusBTM_LOB                                      N   15  A    Filed
prevPolicyTermBTM_LOB                                N   15  D    Filed
priceMatchPlusFactor                                 N   9  D    Filed
1 Reply


=IF(AND(COUNTIF($A$2:A2,"Level:  C")=0,COUNTIF($A$2:A2,"Level:  L")=0,COUNTIF($A$2:A2,"Level:  R")=0),"",IF(A2="Level:  C","Coverage",IF(A2="Level:  L","Level",IF(A2="Level:  R","Region",F1))))

You can try this formula which seems to work in my sheet. I entered the formula in cell F2 and filled down.
