search and list table data

Copper Contributor

I have a table in excel having 6000 lines, 7 columns using a filter =FILTER(B5:H6000,ISNUMBER(SEARCH(K2,B5:B6000)),"No results")

It includes lists containing the search value, but not only the beginning value. How can I make it list only values that begin with my search value listed in K2?"

4 Replies




=FILTER(B5:H6000,LEFT(B5:H6000,LEN(K2))=K2,"No results")

@Hans Vogelaar 

I appreciate your efforts, but it Ends up as #VALUE!


Sorry, my mistake.


=FILTER(B5:H6000,LEFT(B5:B6000,LEN(K2))=K2,"No results")

Much better than my approach. Thank you very much. You are one sharp arrow.