Aug 01 2021 07:05 AM
HOW do I fix the right margin?
I have both left and right margins set at zero.
I have it to fit one page.
No matter what I do, the right margin still remains about one inch from the right side.
How can I fix this??
Aug 01 2021 07:55 AM
That could be a function of your printer too. So let me ask this: are you able to accomplish zero margins right and left in other software packages (e.g., Word)?
It's also possible to reduce the size of the printed area, assuming you're using a laser or inkjet printer, so that it prints on one page with a margin still there. Using the "Scale to fit" option on the print dialog screen.
Aug 01 2021 08:24 AM
I don't know about Word. I only use Excel.
I have my data as "set print" for area I want to print.
I have page set as one page tall and one page wide.
I can see right margin line in print just won't move for me.
Correct on printer. I believe my printer is a Cannon all-in-one.
HUM, how would I check to see if it is a printer problem vs. Excel problem.
Aug 01 2021 08:28 AM
Aug 01 2021 10:03 AM
Aug 01 2021 12:36 PM
HUM, how would I check to see if it is a printer problem vs. Excel problem.
One way would be by seeing what happens in another software package like Word; that's why I asked that.
My spreadsheet is 43 columns wide.
I just checked on a 3 column wide spreadsheet in the same file and I do NOT have this problem.
SO....does it have something to do with the multiple columns??????
Portrait...margins fine (zero, horizontally centered...beautiful)
I switch back to Landscape...... one inch right margin shows back up.
Certainly could have something to do with that many columns. I'll assume some/all of them are quite narrow, but nevertheless, that's a LOT of columns. Are you saying that all the columns fit on the portrait mode? (Perhaps illegibly, but all fit?)
But you've also added in here the portrait vs landscape setting. Which really means (physically) when in landscape it's the bottom margin of the paper as it comes through the printer (it's the right margin when viewed as a human looks at it, but bottom so far as the printer is concerned), and it does seem possible that this could be a factor.
Are you aware you can ask Excel--in printer settings--to repeat row and column headings on the top and left of the page....which would allow you to print on multiple pages and show your data in larger font?
Aug 01 2021 01:23 PM
Aug 02 2021 06:44 AM
That's not an image of the printed output... But in any event, that picture adds nothing to understanding of the difficulty, since it was pretty clear to begin with.
It might be more helpful if you could:
(a) attach images of the printer settings when you print in portrait (apparently successfully having a right margin of 0)
(b) attach images of the printer settings when you print in landscape (unsuccessfully)
(c) attach the actual (NOT an image) spreadsheet, just so long as it contains no confidential info, so I or someone else can see what happens on our own computers
Nov 03 2022 04:41 AM
There is still a forced margin on the right (in Landscape) and bottom (in Portrait).
It has nothing to do with margins or print areas, there is a Formatted BLOCK disallowing us to utilize the entire page in all Microsoft applications on the A4 page. "Letter" size does not appear to have this block.
Nov 03 2022 12:50 PM
Oct 26 2023 05:32 AM
@TeresaTAO Struggling with the same issue, after being sure all printer pages are aligned with excel page.
I found a temporary workaround clearing the Print Area and setting a new "Page Layout | Set Area" on the page break borders.
I think it works till something will spoils it again (I need to identify what).
Dec 03 2023 06:49 PM
I had the same problem! On portrait orientation, the margin is perfectly fine. But on landscape orientation, there is big margin on the right.
Here's how I solved it:
While on Print View > On settings: Click Narrow Margins > Custom Margins > Center on Page: Tick Horizontally
= big margin on the right is gone!
Dec 03 2023 11:54 PM
Apr 11 2024 08:00 AM
I unchecked "columns to repeat at left", and it got rid of the wide margin for me when I chose "print all columns on one page". Hope that helps!