Records sheet to sheet

Copper Contributor

On sheet A i have more 2000 lines and columns to BH. One line – one individual record. For clarity i have sheet B, where i have summary of individual records from sheet A. Individual record have individual number – index. On sheet B i can browse records using index number.

Now i have a little problem. On that sheet with summary (sheet B) i need write note on position AJ16. When i write there some note I need to assign a note to index number and save to sheet C. On sheet C i have 2 columns – A (index) and B (note).
Does anyone know how to do this? After change record number (browse using index ...) i need position AJ16 empty.
Sheet B - position of index number - D1.

4 Replies



Is it at all possible for you to upload a sample of the spreadsheets you're describing? It sounds like they may well include personal/confidential information, so a sample only, with false names will do, but try to include at least ten "dummy" records.


In the absence of that sample to look at and then be able to make more fully informed recommendations, I will ask (I'm quite sure) whether or not it would be possible to simply record those notes you're talking of in Sheet A rather than putting them into yet another sheet. In other words, simply extend that central database of records.


Another possibility occurs to me, but it would involve Power Query, and my home Excel does not have that ability...

hello, here is that sheet 

Is it here somebody who can help me?



I"m sure what you're asking for is possible. But I'd want to radically change your whole approach.


Your Tab B (in my opinion) needs to  be radically altered if you're going to use it for INPUT. It's just not practical to do all kinds of referring to individual cells. This is what I'd see as a nice OUTPUT screen....


Anyway, to preserve my own sanity, I'm going to pass. There may be others here who are more experienced with procedures such as you have created.

