RE: Modern Excel webinars

Copper Contributor
Hello, I'm looking to include a formula in a cell but without the entry of a value. For example, I would like to be able to enter the value 100 in cell A1 and have the formula in the cell automatically add the taxes.
3 Replies
You can just refer to the cell which will contain the value in your formula, i.e. if you are calculating 20% VAT based on value in cell A1, the formula would read =IFERROR($A$1*0.20,””)
The IFERROR part just ensures you dont get an error when cell A1 contains no value.
...if you want to add 20% VAT, showing total including cash tax, formula should be multiplied by 1.2. (0.2 gives the tax amount only).

@Charla74 @Franois1980


A better way to incorporate a variable like VAT (or Sales Tax) (or ANY other kind of generally stable number that could change) is NOT to hard-code it into any formula. Rather, create a "business table" somewhere else in your workbook, that looks something like this:


and then use Insert.....Name....Apply to apply the labels in the left column to the corresponding values.


Then your formula would read =IFERROR($A$1*VAT,””)   


The advantage of using named ranges is that in the future, when VAT or Sales Tax rates change--as such things inevitably do, not frequently perhaps, but nevertheless inevitably--you need only change the rate in one place. Otherwise, you have to change it in all those hard-coded formulas. Not fun.