"Double click cell border to scroll" should have its own settings

Copper Contributor

I often double click on a cell border by mistake and end up on the very top or bottom of my table.

Since I work with big tables all the time, it is inevitable to sometimes double click the border when I intended just to edit a cell, making this feature very incovinient.


I know F2 also enables editing in a cell, but it means I have to use the arrow keys to get there, scrolling through thousands of rows with arrow keys isn't very practical, and since I already have my hand in the mouse, it would be awesome if the double click on a cell didn't have another function for me.


It is currently possible to disable it by disabling "Enable fill handle and cell drag-and-drop", which I cannot work without anymore.


These two should be separate settings in my opinion. Does anyone else agree?

3 Replies

@joseandrade Good idea! Perhaps you should click Help, Feedback, I have a suggestion. It takes you to a special area of this community where you can post suggestions like this one. After posting, share your post so people can vote for it.

@joseandrade Great. I've voted for it. Do invite others in your network to do the same!