Pulling Information in from another sheet

Copper Contributor

Good Morning,


I am using Excel 2013.  I am trying to keep track of billing amounts per client that is billed different amounts.  I have a main sheet that has the billing code and amount on it.  I want to create a log that keeps track of the amounts billed by having a column that you input the billing code and in the next column have a formula that will fill in the bill amount according to the main sheet that has all the billing codes and amounts.  I am needing help in the formula that was automatically fill in the billing amount.

3 Replies

@KHeath883 You don't give away much, but I guess you need to look into  VLOOKUP. More about that in the link below:



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@NikolinoDE Sorry for the lack of information.  I have a worksheet set up with two pages.  The first page is set up with billing codes and amounts like this  


And a second page with a table set up like this..


I'm trying to find a formula that when I input the billing code (i.e.) 97016 it will find the amount on page 1 and automatically put that amount on page 2 in the allowable column.