Protecting Specific Tabs in a Workbook from Viewing

Copper Contributor


I am trying to see if there is a way to protect/block specific tabs in an Excel workbook from viewing, not just editing. And is there a way to give different permissions/vies/access to different users within the same workbook?

For Example on below spreadsheet, I would like some users to be able to view just the 1st and 2nd tab and not the Budget tab. And have other be able to view all other tabs.


I would appreciate any help or insight.

Thank you,

1 Reply

@Sbookman Excel is not really appropriate for these type of complex security. Either you can protect full workbook or you have to use some tricks but not documented security. Here one approach to protect a sheet with password to view. Lets try it. You download the attached file.

Private Sub Workbook_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object)
Dim MySheetName As String
    MySheetName = "HiddenSheet" 'The sheed which I want to hide.    
        If Application.ActiveSheet.Name = MySheetName Then
            Application.EnableEvents = False
            Application.ActiveSheet.Visible = False
            response = Application.InputBox("Password", "Enter Password", "", Type:=2)
                If response = "123456" Then 'Unhide Password.
                    Application.Sheets(MySheetName).Visible = True
                End If
        End If   
    Application.Sheets(MySheetName).Visible = True
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub