Progress Bar for daily checklist to reset each day

Copper Contributor

I have a daily checklist that I mark off each day. At the top I have created a progress bar that shows % of tasks completed as I mark them off. My questions is, Is there a formula or some kind of formatting that I can do, that will make my progress bar pull data depending on todays date? Here is what I want the formula to do, but IDK what the actual formula would be.

G7:AQ7 contains the date, tasks are listed and an "x" is marked in that days column once the task is complete. G47 shows % complete and G48 shows target %. Here is what I want the formula to do but IDK what the actual formula would be or if it is even possible

=IF(G7:AQ7=today's date) then use the respective '% complete' and 'Target %' cells to calculate the progress bar.

The formula's it is using to calculate the progress bar is =series(,,G47,1) and =series(,,G48,2)

So if L7=today's date, the formula would use cells L47 and L48 to calculate the progress bar. 


Sorry if it doesn't make sense 





1 Reply

Hi @kthomas2872 


pls attached the same file 


Regards, Faraz Shaikh