Problem with Pivot table function

Copper Contributor

Hi all,

In Google sheets, I am able to filter based on the original column values in the table rather than only the pivot table column values. Not sure how to do that in Excel?

Let's say my original table has 3 columns- a listing of the "Year" of sale as column 1, various "Products" (A, B, C etc in each row) as column 2, , and the corresponding "Revenue" from each product for that year as column 3. Now, in my pivot table I have the "Year" as row selection, and "Sum of Revenue" by year for all products (sold in each year) for the Value selection.

In the pivot table filter selection dropdown, I can only choose to filter by the "Year" or "Sum of Revenue" column values. If say I want to filter for the yearly Revenue only from products which had a Revenue greater than say $10000, I cannot seem to do that - i.e. I cannot select to filter by "Revenue" which is the name of the original column. Whereas in Google Sheets, the filter selection allows me to select the original column name in the original table (in this case, Revenue) rather than "Sum of Revenue".

Appreciate any advice!


1 Reply


You may add Revenue to Filter section and filter here


Not familiar with Google Sheets, guess it works similar way.