printing multiple (but not all) worksheets in a workbook

Copper Contributor

Using MS 365 Excel I want to print selected worksheets from a workbook. Using the control key or shift key as I select the worksheet doesn't work. My mistake is ?
Thank you

5 Replies


If you select few worksheets with Ctrl and Print Active Sheets in Print Preview it shall work

Every time I  hold down control or shift and  than select a sheet it lets go of the prior selected sheet. I can't select more than one sheet.  Any idea what I am doing wrong. This always worked with other versions of excel.

Thank you.



I'm not sure. You click on one sheet. Press and hold Ctrl, click on other sheet(s) tab - you selected all of them. It shall work.


Doesn't happen. Can anyone help?

Thanks,  Howard

It is odd, I tried also this and it is working with my Excel.