Phone number format category for Italian locale is wrong

Copper Contributor

Currently phone format for Italian locale is wrong. First of all parenthesis should not be used because the area code is integral part of phone number and must be always dialed. Second, the zero (0) in area code must be always dialed, whether you use a country code or not. Third, the number of digit for area code ranges from 2 to 4, whereas the number of digits for the rest of number ranges from 7 to 9. The total number of digits, without country code, ranges from 9 to 11. Country code is always preceded by a plus and range from 1 to three numbers. Here is an example of Italian phone numbers and how Excel change them if I use the Italian-localized phone number category format. The right format is the green one. The yellow one is wrong.




How can I inform Microsoft that that format has to be changed? At least, avoid to use parenthesis, and split the number in the correct

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