Personal.xslb file doesnt open on every other Excel Sheet and does not save with .xlsm

Copper Contributor

Hi All, 


Im working with personal macros (saved in personal vbaproject) on a template and I have set up macros in the ribbon for multiple use, but when i click on any of those buttons (to get some values from the sheet and save it as .xlsm) it does not work and it tells me that it will save it without the macros. I must save it with the macros because of the functionalities I've set up there.


The main template has these functionalities on the ribbon and when I click on them, it opens up the PERSONAL.xlsb and when i run a macro and use ThisWorkbook.path, it gives me the path of the personal.xlsb (C:\Users\User.Name\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART\PERSONAL.XLSB) path instead of the path of the template (W:\HRM\Cluster\....). 


Therefor when I use ThisWorkbook.SaveAs (ThisWorkbook.path & parameters) it saves it in the C: folder of the computer instead of the W:. 


Can someone help me with this issue. I have copied the personal.xlsb module to the template but it still runs the macro from the personal.xlsb.


Any  help would be aappreciated!!

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