Paste Special link not working on iPad

Copper Contributor

I have a new iPad Pro. I cannot get the copy-paste-paste special-link feature to work. The copy-paste feature works but cannot link cells. Example - Tab A is a summary of other more detailed tabs. I have column total in tab C and I want that total to automatically transfer and update to tab A. I cannot link these two cells that are in different tabs.

I could easily do this with my Apple laptop, but cannot get it to work on the new iPad.


2 Replies

@rsd43 Hi. I have the exact same issue with Copy - Paste Special - Paste Link on my iPad when attempting to paste the link from a cell in one tab/worksheet to another tab/worksheet. Works well in Excel on my Mac but not Excel on my iPad. Any ideas anyone?  Thanks. GRMMing

Hi All.

I have just discovered a workaround, at least something until Microsoft gets its act together.

Try this, in the cell to be linked in Sheet 1, for example. Enter the following. =‘Sheet2’!$E$4. Sheet2 would be the name of the sheet you are linking from and $E$4 would be the cell in the sheet you are linking from. Substitute the actual sheet name and cell number you are using.

Hope this helps someone. GRMMing