Paste displayed value not actual value

Copper Contributor

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I want to copy A1-A3 as the value displayed and Paste those values into column C. For example, I would like to copy A1 as 3.70 and paste 3.70 into column C. So that when I click on C1 in the fx section, it will display 3.70, not 3.7.

1 Reply

Hi @bnickell88 


as you can see, in Excel there could be a difference between the actual value in a cell and the way it is displayed, due to the cell formatting. But the only relevant thing is the actual value. So whenever you enter the formula field (fx section), it will always give only the real value in the cell, never a formatted one.


In other words, there is no way to show 3.70 in the formula field, if there is only 3.7 as a value in the cell.