Operation possible?

Copper Contributor

is this operation possible?
1. We have 2 different excel
2. An excel has a cell that contains a number
3. That number I would like to appear in the 2nd excel in another cell
4. If I change the number in the first excel, I would like it to change automatically in excel 2 as well

is there a solution to this operation?

2 Replies

@Recordmediapro Just one of many on-line sources that might answer your question.


@Recordmediapro ,,


If I'm not wrong, you are looking to link cells between Sheets! The simplest is in Sheet 2, enter formula like this,



If is between two wordbooks then,


[YourFile Name with Extension]Sheet1!$A$1

For example [Myfile.xlsm]Sheet1!$A$1

If you are try to link the closed Workbook then you have to use File path also.


Rememer in File path, Drive & Folder name may vary.


After that if and when you update cell A1 in Sheet 1, then Excel will automatically update the linked cell in Sheet 2.


You may use a formula even like,,  



Another is PASTE Link,,,

  • Copy the cell in Sheet 1, then go to Sheet 2.
  • Use Paste Special,, and hit the Paste Link button.