Mar 10 2021 06:22 AM
I have shared access to files on OneDrive that different teams use. One shared file in particular has 8 users in it and it will change formatting of cells (fill color, text color, vertical and horizontal alignment, bold/unbold, text size). They open the files always using the desktop app of Microsoft 365 via a pinned shortcut when you right-click the icon on the taskbar. I have 2 other Excel files on the same OneDrive (one older, one newer) that have never had that issue, though they have 4 or 5 users.
What could be causing the format changes?
I thought it was 2 users in particular, so I removed their access, saved the file without them in it, then added their access back, though that did not fix the problem. The 2 users found out that the other users with access can also see the messed up formatting. If User A fills in a row with information then formats it, User B clicks into the cell, updates with changes, keys Enter, and the formatting changes. It's like once someone else touches the cell and keys Enter or Tab, the formatting is either removed (plain text), or formatted in a completely different way.
I tried searching forums, but have only seen the mention that if it is opened in the web-view, the formatting can be limited, but the desktop app would always be okay.
It hasn't been a high priority, since the content itself still saves in the workbook. The users are getting rather annoyed at their formatting changes, which help alert superiors to approve or look at different items. Thank you for your assistance!
Dec 14 2021 06:21 AM
@MultitaskingMonkey - We have been having the same issue! We color code items in a cell for delivery schedules. When we moved to OneDrive and use the online version of Excel, any time a user clicks on a cell, all color formatting is removed and the font color switches to black.
Dec 22 2022 05:04 PM - edited Dec 22 2022 05:05 PM
@MultitaskingMonkey I am also facing the same issue. Have you received any response on how to fix it? Does anyone know how to fix this.
Jan 03 2023 04:19 AM
@Gautam13No updates. We are thinking it may have to do with some on 64-bit Office and others on 32-bit Office. Our other theory is that some of our users are on Windows 8 and others on Windows 11, and Windows 8 doesn't have sync support from OneDrive anymore. We're on our own and that's as far as we've been able to test with our spending capabilities.
Jan 03 2023 03:45 PM