Jun 02 2023 09:47 AM
Due to change in our Business Intelligence system I have to pull data into Excel files using OLAP. When I use the GetPivotData function the formulas are much more complicated. Here is an example of the new formula. If you are using OLAP pivots I am sure you will recognize how it is built.
=GETPIVOTDATA("[Measures].[Previous Day's Order Volume Tons]",Pivot!$A$1,"[3. Customer].[Sales Organization Desc]","[3. Customer].[Sales Organization Desc].&[Barilla USA FG sales]","[3. Customer].[Distribution Channel Desc]","[3. Customer].[Distribution Channel Desc].&[Modern Trade]","[2. Product].[International Category Desc]","[2. Product].[International Category Desc].&[DRY PASTA]","[2. Product].[Category Desc]","[2. Product].[Category Desc].&[DRY SEMOLINA PASTA]","[2. Product].[Sub brand Desc]","[2. Product].[Sub brand Desc].&[Whole Wheat]")
In the old way I was able to us the GetPivotData function to dynamically select data from the table. By dynamically I mean I could use a cell reference in the function to select the data. Below is an example. For instance, getting data for "Sales Organization" the reference is cell A12 where I store the name of the Sales Organization. I have been unsuccessful in trying to get the new OLAP GetPivotData function to recognize cell references as variables. HELP!!
=GETPIVOTDATA("Previous Day's Order Volume [Tons]",Pivot!$A$1,"Sales Organization",A12,"Distribution Channel",B12,"International Category",C12,"Category",$D12,"Subbrand",$E12)
Jun 02 2023 10:09 AM
In general it works the same way, for example within cube formula instead of
,"[3. Customer].[Distribution Channel Desc]",
you may use
,"[3. Customer].[" & B12 & "]",
Another story with cube it's usually better to use combination of CUBEMEMBER/CUBEVALUE instead of GETPIVOTDATA
Jun 02 2023 10:20 AM
Jun 02 2023 01:15 PM
In general formula shall work, here is the sample
You exact formula is
"[Measures].[Previous Day's Order Volume Tons]",
"[3. Customer].[Sales Organization Desc]",
"[3. Customer].[Sales Organization Desc].&[Barilla USA FG sales]",
"[3. Customer].[Distribution Channel Desc]",
"[3. Customer].[Distribution Channel Desc].&[Modern Trade]",
"[2. Product].[International Category Desc]",
"[2. Product].[International Category Desc].&[DRY PASTA]",
"[2. Product].[Category Desc]",
"[2. Product].[Category Desc].&[DRY SEMOLINA PASTA]",
"[2. Product].[Sub brand Desc]",
"[2. Product].[Sub brand Desc].[" & M150 & "]"
it could give #REF! error if the value in M150 is not recognized for the cube.
Jun 02 2023 02:44 PM
You have been very patient so far but I have to profess my ignorance in your last statement when you say that the cell reference may not be "recognized for the cube". I started the formula by typing an = sign in a cell outside the pivot table that was created from an OLAP connection and then letting Excel build the formula. Then I was trying to edit that formula with the syntax you showed. Not sure what I am doing wrong. I just tried refreshing the cube again by running the OLAP query but no change - still #REF.
Jun 03 2023 09:47 AM
It's hard to say what exactly is wrong without the file. For example, in the cell it could be "Lights " instead of "Lights".
Try to play with attached file, that's the sample from my previous post.