Office 365 excel pivot sorting bug

Copper Contributor


I'm using Excel office 365. Seems sorting Error in pivot table, for alphabet (a,b,c,d,e,f) sorting showing as (a,d,b,c,e,f)


Row Labels
Grand Total
8 Replies



What you're showing us definitely is an anomaly. But you're also not showing the whole picture. Without that, nobody can offer any explanation that's any more than sheer speculation. That's probably why you've received no replies despite all the views.


Could I suggest you share a bit more of the pivot table in question. Ideally, unless it has a lot of confidential information, if you could post the actual workbook on OneDrive or one of the other cloud services, and then paste a link here that grants access....this would enable us to do more than idle speculation.


In general PivotTable sorts in alphabetical order


If to add some non-printable character (usually happens if data copy/pasted from web) when we may reproduce your case


That could be custom sorting list in settings.

If you have not "A" and "D" but texts with special characters sorting order also could be not necessary alphabetical.


It's better to check sample file if possible.



Sharing sample Excel file. Please note the issue with pivot table sorting in the Office 365 Excel version.


I refresh the pivot table and then the order is A, B, C, D, ...





I refresh the pivot table and then the order is A, B, C, D, ...


Interesting. I was not able, on my Mac--with the latest software--to get it to do anything with data refresh.


That's data model PivotTable. And Mac still doesn't support data models. Thus no way to refresh on that platform.

I'm with Detlef. for me, refresh or re-doing the sort causes it to resort correctly and i tried both desktop and online version

@m_tarler , yes, online version shall allow data model refresh