Jul 20 2022 11:08 AM - edited Jul 20 2022 03:21 PM
SOLVED: I found a way to get the VLOOKUP to work properly (and not return an error) by nesting TEXT within; thus, I was able to ditch the FILTER function for column D!
So I previously received some help pulling column B correctly (it was repeating values). However, I now have an issue in column D of my help workbook (link below). The first two rows are pulling correctly, as I have manually verified that these belong to the same invoices. However, you can see in the help workbook that the matching value (manually verified) for row 3 is showing up on row 4; these are manually verified by matching vendors, and the value in row 3 is actually for Vendor 1 and I am trying to pull only for Vendor 2.
I appreciate any help! I have tried many different formulas (and plenty of nesting) and helper columns and I cannot seem to get it right.
Note: The two vendors need to stay the way they appear in the main columns (A:D) of the 'LAST EXP' tab, as that is how they will export from the software we use; I am building this so the end-users do not have to manually edit that export beyond copying and pasting into this help workbook.
Jul 20 2022 11:59 AM
Again, I advise you to use a pivot table.
And do not copy the exported data from your third party software but use Power Query to import and manipulate the data.
The formula in column D does NOT refer to an invoice number - only to the start date and end date.
Jul 20 2022 01:26 PM
Jul 20 2022 01:50 PM
In the attached file i've entered FILTER formulas in cells A7 and D7. The results for the invoice amounts have a difference of 514,50 which is from the LAST EXP sheet ordered 11.02.2022 by Vendor 2.
Jul 20 2022 02:31 PM