Need help with excel format Please

Copper Contributor

I need help with formating a column that I cannot change the number formating in the cells. 

The data is $ and come over in this format 3456 and is missing the decimal point in the middle  34.56 -

I can add .00 to them but not add the . in the middle of the number. 



5 Replies


It may be that you are working with text and not numbers, in which case

= SUBSTITUTE(amounts,
      "." & RIGHT(amounts,2))

would return a text string of the correct appearance.  If, on the other hand, they are numbers

= amounts/100

would correct the error.

Thank you... Is there a way to format the entire column to do this? Sorry not an expert here.
Whichever formula is relevant to your situation, if the defined name 'amounts' is applied to the entire column, a column of results will be generated. With 365, this happens automatically but, with older versions of Excel, you will need to fill the formula down or enter it using CSE.
Thank you. I am on 365. It is a txt file that I Upload data>upload Text/CSV.


With 365, I might go for something a little more ambitious.

= LET(
     cents,   RIGHT(amounts,2),
     dollars, LEFT(amounts, LEN(amounts) - 2),
     dollars & "." & cents

leaves the results as text or, if the text starts with a "$" sign,

= LET(
     cents,   RIGHT(amounts,2),
     dollars, MID(amounts, 2, LEN(amounts) - 3),
     dollars + cents/100

would return the results as numbers ready for formatting.