Need help to sort the data on date range

Copper Contributor
EVELYN MEE11/14/2019


Need a formula, where to add another column where it shows how old the data is .

Example 10 days, 1 month, 3 month

3 Replies


Let's say the first date is in B2.

In C2:

=DATEDIF(B2,TODAY(),"y")&" year(s), "&DATEDIF(B2,TODAY(),"ym")&" month(s), "&TODAY()-EDATE(B2,DATEDIF(B2,TODAY(),"m"))&" day(s)"

Fill down.

@Hans Vogelaar 

Hans with me comes an error/value with this formula if I don't enter a date.

I added the example.

But if I try the old way of the IF, the error does not appear.

Can't explain it to myself




Hi Niko,


Microsoft recommends avoiding DATEDIF with "md" as third argument; apparently it returns incorrect values in some situations. See DATEDIF function.


When I open your workbook in my English-language version of Excel, it uses EDATUM instead of EDATE and hence returns #NAME!

To avoid problems with empty dates, you can use


=IF(B2="","",DATEDIF(B2,TODAY(),"y")&" year(s), "&DATEDIF(B2,TODAY(),"ym")&" month(s), "&TODAY()-EDATE(B2,DATEDIF(B2,TODAY(),"m"))&" day(s)")


In German:


=WENN(B2="";"";DATEDIF(B2;HEUTE();"y")&" year(s), "&DATEDIF(B2;HEUTE();"ym")&" month(s), "&HEUTE()-EDATUM(B2;DATEDIF(B2;HEUTE();"m"))&" day(s)")