Need help on formula

Copper Contributor

 Need help to do this formula 

A is ID and C is number and E is amount 

Want to find and calculate if I put a number in another cell then formula can find out which which ID have the number and then how much amount is against that ID.. And I want it separately with ID wise.. 

1 Reply


You can use a combination of the INDEX and MATCH functions to achieve this.

Here's an example formula that you can use:


In this example, G1 is the cell where you enter the number you want to look up.

The MATCH function searches for this number in column C and returns the row number where it is found.

The INDEX function then uses this row number to return the corresponding value from column E.


You can enter this formula in a cell and then copy it down to return the amount for multiple IDs.

Just make sure to replace G1 with the cell reference for the number you want to look up in each row.