Aug 14 2023 06:39 AM - edited Aug 14 2023 06:40 AM
Hi Expert guys,
I need Excel functionality with the below data.
1st table contains the below data.
1) 1st table.
2nd table(as below data) - 1st column contains the random array arrangement of the 1st table values of 1st column.
Expecting exact corresponding respective values of 2nd table - 1st column results in the 2nd table - 2nd column through =VLOOKUP formula or any other possibility in excel from the values of the 1st table - 2nd column.
2) 2nd table
I need to distribute the similar kind of data in my works.
Request you to suggest/ help in this.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Aug 14 2023 06:51 AM
It might help us help you if you could explain the bigger picture here. Is it possible to tell us what the real data are about? If not, still would help if we understood more....
I say that because in many ways your first table looks quite random, so one wonders (this one does, at any rate) why not just make everything random altogether?
If you can't tell us more about the context itself, let me ask these:
Aug 14 2023 06:55 AM
Based on the sample you provided that could be:
in F3:
Aug 14 2023 06:56 AM
See the attached workbook. I added a helper column to the raw data with RAND() formulas.
The 2nd table uses INDEX and SORT to create a list in random order.
Press F9 to create a new randomized result.
Aug 14 2023 06:59 AM
Those who have e.g. Excel 2013 can try this formula. Enter the formula with ctrl+shift+enter if you don't work with Office 365 or Excel 2021.
Oct 24 2023 08:28 PM
Oct 24 2023 08:28 PM
Oct 24 2023 08:36 PM