Copper Contributor

I just bought a desktop computer and it came with Microsoft Office 365.  I am using the Excel portion of the office software but there is no "page setup" option on the top ribbon.  I can't see any way to adjust the page margins.  Anyone know how to do this or do I have to pay for the Premium version?

5 Replies



Hello, I guess you mean Page Layout tab. Although, it should be there. Since its not there in your case, Right-click on any of the tabs such as Home, Data etc and select Customize the Ribbon. Then, Page Layout and click OK


You should have it as part of the ribbon



A printer needs to be installed in order for "Page Setup" to fully unlock. Verify by checking your computer's list of installed printers.

Original documentation:

@VictorUribe printer is installed, driver is installed, still no "page setup" or "draw" tabs in ribbon.

@Abiola1 Right clicking on any existing tab in ribbon does nothing.


Could you please provide the screenshot of your interface? Page setup shall in two places



and File->Print
