Sep 18 2023 06:10 AM
I'm currently building an annual leave tracker whereby a power automate flow automatically populates an excel table with names and dates once a submisson is approved.
Currently i have the data table and a 'calendar' dashboard in excel but I am unsure on the formulas needed to essentially map the annual leave data into the calendar.
Currently what i want to do is include a H in the calendar for an annual leave day and a h for a half day.
It currently looks like this, any help would be appreicated.
Sep 18 2023 08:00 AM
I presumed you don't want to include the 'H' or 'h' on weekends. Here's my solution:
rows, ROWS(Staff),
cols, COLUMNS(AllYear),
Leave, LAMBDA(r, c,
date, INDEX(AllYear, , c),
person, INDEX(Staff, r),
WEEKDAY(date, 2) > 5,
(Table1[Employee] = person) * (date >= Table1[First Day of Leave]) *
(date <= Table1[Last Day of Leave]),
MAKEARRAY(rows, cols, Leave)