Looking to Find Max and Highlight Adjacent Cell

Copper Contributor



I'm geeking out and making a spreadsheet for my Fantasy Football league and am looking for a way for Excel to find the Max score between two teams and then highlight the Winner in the column to the left. For example, below I want it to look in B2:B3 to find the Max and then fill the cell corresponding to that team (in this case A3). Is there any way to do that?


1 Reply

@bbla1013 Simple answer yes.  




You can use conditional formatting to accomplish this.  


The formula in the rule is: =$B8=MAX($B$8:$B$9)


If you want to scale this to include all games, you'll need to include a game group or something similar that resets the max calculation for each game.  


Here I used a different formula that calculates the max for each individual game by game group: 



