May 11 2023 11:14 PM - edited May 11 2023 11:14 PM
Hi All,
While developing Power Query queries, how can I know whether the functions I'm using are available in the different versions of Excel?
For example: how can I know that Text.BetweenDelimiters is only available in Office 365?
While Excel functions are clearly documented in Microsoft website from this aspect, I can't find anything similar for M Query.
Thank you
May 12 2023 08:07 AM
Hi @Excelrati
...I can't find anything similar for M Query
You're not the only one and the same applies to DAX. The only thing I can offer is the following query that lists the functions available on the Excel version where it's executed
// #shared library excluding this workbook's Queries & custom functions
Source = Record.ToTable(
SelectedTypeFunction = Table.SelectRows(Source, each [Value] is function),
RemovedValue = Table.SelectColumns(SelectedTypeFunction, {"Name"}),
SortedRows = Table.Sort(RemovedValue,{{"Name", Order.Ascending}})
May 12 2023 08:25 AM