Insurance spreadsheet

Copper Contributor


I am trying to get the spreadsheet to give a sum of zero in the cell if the formula sums to a negative number or keep the positive number if it is greater than 0.

I am solving for how much the insurance company will pay.  


If the Amt billed to insurance is <Deductible then the patient will pay

If the Amt billed to insurance is >Deductible then Insurance will pay the amount over the deductible-coinsurance.  

After the deductible is paid by the patient, then they will owe the coinsurance % for the amount over the deductible and the insurance will pay the balance.


$1357 billed to insurance

$500 Deductible 20% coinsurance

$1357-500 (pt amount of Ded)

$857 * 20% coinsurance =$171.40

Patient would pay $500 ded and $171.40 coinsurance for total of $671.40. 

Insurance would pay $685.60


If the Deductible was $5000 then $1357 would be billed and it would all be patient deductible.  

I cannot figure out how to make my spreadsheet work!



Insurance Covered ServicesUnits CostTotal Billed AmountCODEIns Units AETNATotal Contractual Amount
Re-exams2 $65.00$130.0099212  $36.61$73.22
Manipulations 1-2 reg0 $55.00$0.0098940  $24.56$0.00
Manipulations 3-4 reg18 $65.00$1,170.0098941  $34.28$617.04
Extra Spinal0 $38.00$0.0098943  $23.06$0.00
Estim22 $30.00$0.0097014  $13.28$0.00
Traction18 $33.00$594.0097012  $13.82$248.76
 Rehab16 $30.00$480.0097110  $26.14$418.24
    $2,374.00    $1,357.26
Total Insurance Billed Amount        $1,357.26
Insurance Contractual        $1,357.26
Estimated Insurance Adjustment        $1,016.74
Noncovered Services         
Cash Manipulations3 $60.00$180.00     
Cash Re-exam3 $50.00$150.00     
Cash Rehab 0 $20.00$0.00     
Cash Acupuncture/Dry Needling0 $60.00$0.00     
Cash Decompression0 $60.00$0.00     
SoftWave0  $          -  $0.00     
Total Noncovered Services   $330.00     
Total Insurance and Noncovered Services    $1,687.26
Deductible to be met:        $500.00
Services after deductible        $0.00
Coinsurance   20.00%     $171.45
Copays  $0.00     $0.00
Estimated insurance payment        $685.81
Estimated Patient Balance        $1,001.45


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With MAX() you can prevent negative results from being displayed or that the result is zero.

For example:



See also the enclosed example.