Insert SharePoint Doc ID in Excel Footer

Copper Contributor
Hi there, I am creating a document management system in SharePoint with automatic numbering and version control. This is working perfectly for word documents.  When I upload the Excel file the automatic number is applied, however when I open the excel file I am unable to work out how to insert the doc ID number and version. Can anyone assist?

Footer in ExcelFooter in ExcelFile uploaded and automatic numbering and version appliedFile uploaded and automatic numbering and version applied

3 Replies


Did you ever get this figured out? I am trying to do the same thing, and not getting very far.



To pickup properties we need VBA, to insert formula into the header or footer - also with VBA. Thus it shall be macro-enabled file. Which will work only in desktop app.

@Sergei Baklan 

I am fine with using the desktop application if it allows me to get the Sharepoint document ID, and version number into the spreadsheet somewhere.

Are there any sites where I might find the code to do this, so that I can grab it and make small changes so it will fit my specific needs? I'm a networking guy, not a developer, so this is a little outside of my comfort zone.
