Ingredients calculator

Copper Contributor

Good Morning,

hoping someone can help. 

I want to creat a formula which works out if I need to make 1 pizza it then can work out the sum of how much cheese I will need. 

so if I need 70grams of cheese per pizza and I enter on my sheet that I will make 10 pizza it will then make the calculation of how much cheese I will need for 10 pizza’s 


obviously I can then scale this to work with other toppings. Ideally I’m looking for the end figure to be in grams but could also be in KG if that’s easier. 

Any help would be incredible. 

Many thanks! 

2 Replies


Attached is a file with an example.


Hope that this will help you.



You can also use Excel's features so that you do not have to enter the number of pizzas for each ingredient for a type of pizza.

See the attached workbook.  Use the dropdown list in cell A2 to select a food item.  The formulas in cells C4 through E4 select (filter) data from the Ingredient Lists worksheet, using Excel's FILTER function.  The formula that calculates all the quantities for a food item is the most complicated; it is in cell D4:

=IF( $A$2="", "", FILTER( 'Ingredient Lists'!E$2:E$1000, 'Ingredient Lists'!$C$2:$C$1000 = $A$2, "recipe not found" ) * $B$2 )

(Most of the spaces in those formulas are not needed, but make the formulas somewhat easier to read.)

The ingredient quantities that I included are made up, and of course, do not include the dough, oil, etc.  But you can change those quantities and include rows for other ingredients and for other food items.  Blank rows are not required between the food items, but they make it easier to review.

With a few changes to the workbook, you could also include recipes or other notes for each food item.

That example should get you started.  Feel free to ask follow-up questions.

(the story of stone soup)