Import data from google sheet using api key

Copper Contributor

Hi! I tried to connected my google sheet and excel sheet. The problem is in permitions. My google sheet have not viewed by anyone and i should use some authentication. I choose api key and created this request:

    Source = OData.Feed("link", null, [Implementation="2.0", ApiKeyName="API_KEY_EXCEL"])

In auth window i entered api key. And i receive this error:

DataFormat.Error: OData: The given URL neither points to an OData service or a feed: '<identifier>&API_KEY_EXCEL=<api-key>&continue=<sheet-id>/edit?API_KEY_EXCEL=<api-key>&followup=<sheet-id>/edit?API_KEY_EXCEL=<api-key>&ifkv=<ifkv>&ltmpl=sheets&osid=1&passive=1209600&service=wise&flowName=WebLiteSignIn&flowEntry=ServiceLogin&API_KEY_EXCEL=<api-key>'.

How can i fix it?

6 Replies

api key

What is OData and relative api?

Does the google sheet provide api to acheive data by formula?

Any official document available about this api?

I found this documentation about OData:
Looks like i have wrong serviceUri link... I should use this one i think:
I'll try this format, hope it'll work:

@peiyezhu i tried to use this request using api key:

OData.Feed("<sheet-id>?ranges='Common'!A1%3AC5", null, [Implementation="2.0", ApiKeyName="API_KEY_EXCEL"])

But receive an error:

Expression.Error: Access to the resource is forbidden.

This request is works in Method: spreadsheets.get  |  Google Sheets  |  Google for Developers try method window, but needs api key + oauth. I think i need to connect by google oauth in excel?

I know oData is a restful api but I can not open url like above from because of the network forbidden.

Here is sample api service without key.

you can try it with webservice formular or oData to test.*%20from%20Second_to_last_value_from_table_with_condition
if possible,post the contents of above url,we can do research together.
I think i just can't get it with google sheets, it need using google oauth, it's hard for me :( i found this problem on stack overflow:
I need to somehow connecting by using oauth or it will be network forbidden...