Copper Contributor

Is there a way to simplify this part of my IFS function:


IFS(OR(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("aanvraag opleiding",F619)),ISNUMBER(SEARCH("Aanvraag cursus",F619)),ISNUMBER(SEARCH("Toekenning aanvraag",F619)),ISNUMBER(SEARCH("Inschrijving opleiding",F619)),ISNUMBER(SEARCH("Coachingstraject",F619)),ISNUMBER(SEARCH("Volgen cursus",F619))),"Opleiding/training/coaching";...........................

It goes on after this and I have more of these repeated ISNUMBER(SEARCH( functions as logical tests and want to shorten them.

21 Replies
"IFS" is not recognized in 2016. Should I use 2019 instead?