Oct 14 2023 10:19 AM
I am trying to build a spreadsheet where once a certain value is inputted it triggers 3 other cells to input the values corresponding to that value. It's a pay sheet. So I want to enter the trade that the worker is associated with and have the standard, overtime, and double time auto-populate in the cells next to it, using a table that is on another tab. I feel like it might be an "IF" formula but I keep getting?NAME error
IF A17=BM, then J17 = Sheet22E22
I need to make the cell hold the formula for 24 trades.
I would like the cell to also maybe reference whether its day or night shift (so a 2 parameter cell)
IF A17 =B and A18 =Day, then J17=Sheet 22E22
Oct 14 2023 10:32 AM
I'd use a data layout as shown in the screeshot. The formula has to be entered with ctrl+shift+enter if one doesn't work with Office 365 or Excel for the web or Excel 2021.
Oct 14 2023 10:33 AM
I feel like it might be an "IF" formula but I keep getting?NAME error
Try VLOOKUP instead.
See attached example.
Oct 14 2023 11:44 AM
Thank you so much. I changed the parameter a little but now I get "#N/A". Wondering where I went wrong?
=INDEX('Tile & Civil'!$D$9:$M$48,MATCH($A$17,'Tile & Civil'!$A$9:$A$45,0),MATCH(1,('Tile & Civil'!$C$9:$C$48=K$17)*('Tile & Civil'!$D$8:$L$8=$B$17),0))
Oct 14 2023 02:56 PM
=INDEX('Tile & Civil'!$D$9:$M$48,MATCH(1,('Tile & Civil'!$A$9:$A$48=$A$17)*('Tile & Civil'!$C$9:$C$48=K$17),0),MATCH($B$17,'Tile & Civil'!$D$8:$M$8,0))
You are welcome. Without seeing your file or a screenshot i can only take a guess. Does the attached file help? The formula has to be entered with ctrl+shift+enter if one doesn't work with Office 365 or Excel for the web or Excel 2021.