I'm trying to autofill information to different tabs from a master list

Copper Contributor


Please assist, I have a master listing with 24 columns. This is the main tab on my doc. 

What I am trying to accomplish is to have the information autofill into 1 of the other tabs based on a specific criteria. (Location column)  

NameLocationIn SalesforceDate of First encounterProgramStaff DOB


The other tabs are for the various locations (1 of 3), what I am trying to do is have the entire row copy to the associated sheet based on location entry. 


Is there a way to do this without having to copy/paste each row?


Thank you

2 Replies


If you have Microsoft 365 or Office 2021 (or use Excel Online), you can use the FILTER function. It would look like this:


=FILTER('Master List'!A2:X1000, 'Master List'!B2:B1000="Location 1", "")


where Master List is the name of the master sheet, and Location 1 is the name of one of the locations.