I Have a issue in preparing cash book

Copper Contributor

Actually i prepared a budget sheet for my household And i have problem with the cash bookI want data to be entered in cash book automatically with date , particulars and amount as i enter them in budget sheet.

1 Reply

@Rajeev2004 Have you considered entering ALL transactions (incoming and outgoing payments) in one sheet/table? For every transaction, enter the Date, Type (In, Out), Category (Fuel, Food, Utilities, etc.), Person (Rajeev, Nana, ......, ........, Family use), Amount, etc., row after row.

Summaries by year, month, day, person, expense/income category can then easily be made through one or more Pivot Tables. No need to copy information between sheets to present a different lay-out of the same data.

What you are doing now is collecting transactional data as if you were writing it in a paper note book and making sub-totals by day. Excel can do all of that for you, provided your collect your data in "the Excel way".