Copper Contributor

I have three workbooks, Employee Profile, Profile Listing and Group Listing...a single sheet in each workbook. Employee Profile has a Profile (singular entry) column and a Group (one to many entries separated by semicolon) column amongst other columns.


In the Employee Profile, I have a hyperlink on the Profile column that when selected pulls up Profile Listing with selected hyperlink profile as the active cell. I want to be able to filter the Profile Listing so that only the selected hyperlink profile row displays.


Furthermore, a profile can have one to many groups as listed in the group default and group temporary columns of the Profile Listing and the important thing about groups is their priority, so I want to also be able to, from the Profile Listing, create a hyperlink that connects to and filters the Group Listing based on selected Profile and....if possible, do the same from the Employee profile, that is select the employee name as the hyperlink and when selected connects to the Group Listing showing only those groups associated with the default profile (temp profile overrides) and individually assigned groups, both temp and or default.


Example attached in one workbook.



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