Nov 22 2023 12:03 AM
We have Power BI embedded. We have been updating our RLS to use DAX, as opposed to relying on bi-directional relationships etc in our model to increase perofrmace.
The performance while using bi-directional as below
The RLS tables relationships for above performance is:
We tested this in desktop through Perofrmance Analyser which has made a great difference as shown below:
The modified RLS tables relationships for above performance is:
The dax we used for above relationship is as below:
However, when the report is published to service and accessed through embedded, performance is particularly poor and seems worse than before the improvements!
We read some articles from microsoft on below
Best practices for faster performance in Power BI embedded analytics - Power BI | Microsoft Learn
But we don't how to implement it, 'loaded event' and 'rendered event'. Also, I couldn't find any practical illustration/demo for above article.
Any thoughts on why this could be and are there any services that allow monitoring of embedded performance to try and diagnose why this could be?
PFA reports below and i have shared before and after modifications:
PR-419 - Data Coverage RLS Update_high performance.pbix
PR-419 - Data Coverage_Low performace.pbix
Thanks in advance!
Nov 22 2023 11:50 AM
SolutionSorry, I have no practice with Power BI embedded.
Nov 24 2023 08:36 AM
Nov 22 2023 11:50 AM