How to separate data into different sheets?

Copper Contributor

Good morning/afternoon/evening. 


I'm trying to separate a lot, and I mean A LOT of data into different sheets according to their month. This is a very frequent process so it'll be automated with Blue Prism once I figure this out. 


The sheets have a date column, and according to it i'd like to have it sorted automatically into a sheet for each month, is this possible in any way?


Thank you!

2 Replies



The answer to your question is that it is indeed possible. If you have the most current version of Excel, the FILTER function would serve you well. But please, first, read the text two paragraphs.


May I ask--it's a question I'd ask if we were sitting down face-to-face--WHY you want to create separate sheets for each month?


At any one point in time, you will presumably only be looking at (or working with) one month's worth of data, so why not just have a "dashboard" sheet into which you extract the data for the month you want to be reviewing or processing?


If you want to stick with your original idea, here's a video explaining FILTER:

Learn everything about our brand-new Dynamic Arrays and how you can use them to build advanced spreadsheets. Arrays (CSE) have long been present in Excel, but were limited to power users. With Dynamic Arrays we have rebuilt the calc engine, effectively turning all formulas into array formulas ...
Yes, iHave a VBA code that does that easily