How to overlay a line chart with secondary data

Copper Contributor

I've a set of data (simplified example below) that I'd like to graph by year and then have the different 'eras' shaded and labels. For example, I'd want to have the GDP 1929-'32 shaded one colour and labelled with 'Hoover', and the GDP data points for 1933-'44 shaded another and labelled with 'Roosevelt', etc.

Thanks for any help!

Screenshot 2020-10-26 at 8.49.51 am.png

2 Replies
Insert a Pivot table from your data. Drag the president field to the row area and the year column as well. Then drag the GDP field to the sum area. Click Insert pivot chart.

@Jan Karel Pieterse Thanks a ton for your help! That worked perfectly and was a much simpler solution than I expected!