How to move highlighted conditional formatted cells?

Copper Contributor

I want to move cells according to the cells that have been conditionally highlighted. I have selected Conditional Formatting so that I can identify cells which contains email addresses. The email addresses are in different column, and I want them in a specific column.


* For reference, I have attached the picture. The red highlighted cells contains the email addresses,

which I want to transfer to a specific column.



conditional formatting.png

1 Reply


Have cells been highlighted if they contain @ or did you use a more complicated rule?

Anyway, you could create a macro that searches for the cells satisfying the conditional formatting rule (instead of looking at the cells' color) and moves them to the desired column. For example:


Sub MoveMailAddresses()
    'Change these constants as needed
    Const ToCheck = "A:F"  ' Columns in which to look for mail address
    Const MailColumn = "M" ' Column to move mail address to (should not overlap with ToCheck)
    Dim Cell As Range
    With Range(ToCheck)
        Set Cell = .Find(What:="@", LookAt:=xlPart)
        If Not Cell Is Nothing Then
                Cell.Cut Destination:=Range(MailColumn & Cell.Row)
                Set Cell = .FindNext
            Loop Until Cell Is Nothing
        End If
    End With
End Sub