How to link to every sheet whenever we create a new sheet into a common place

Brass Contributor

Hi Every Ony


Happy New Year


How do I give a formula to the same cell whenever I create a new sheet?

For Eg:When I will create sheet4, and I want to have the same data in c6 by linking c5 in sheet4


Please see the attached sheet!

2 Replies

Hello @Sameer_Kuppanath_Sultan 

  • In the Summary sheet, type in =SUM(
  • Click on Sheet2 and select C5
  • Then, hold the SHIFT key on the keyboard and click on Sheet3
  • Click Enter

This is called Group Sheet technique


Do let me know whether this answers your question


First, you shall list in summary sheet actual sheet names; or use some logic which generates sheet names.


Assuming sheet names are Sheet2, Sheet3, etc and in Summary we use only the number at the end of the sheet name, formula in C6 could be

=IFERROR(INDIRECT("Sheet" & A6 & "!C5"),"")

and drag it up/down.