How to include additional fields in filter range

Brass Contributor


In the attached sheet columns D-R have a filter applied.


For some reason applying a filter that includes columns A-C causes the Filter button to be ghosted/greyed.


Anyone know why this is happening?





2 Replies
not sure what exactly you mean. what are you trying to do?
I highlighted A4:C4 and added the filter options (clicked the filter button)
if you highlight multiple cells that cross inside and outside the table (D4:R11) the filter button is grayed out as you can't do many things that apply to table and non-table cells together. but you can apply filter to each of those columns and the whole row is hidden regardless of the table or not.

If I understand correctly I basically need to add columns A-C to the table if I want to filter those columns along with D-R.

" but you can apply filter to each of those columns and the whole row is hidden regardless of the table or not."

I'm not quite sure what you mean here though.