How to enable the Filter by Color

Copper Contributor

How to enable the Filter by Color? The Date Filter, the Number Filter and the Text Filter are available, but there is no Filter by Color option for me in Excel Online.

4 Replies
Hi Sivakumarrj!
Thanks but I have tried that already. I was looking online for possible solutions but none have worked so far.
There is no Filter by color option, it's not even shaded out in grey where you can see it. I'm using Excel for the Web (Excel Online). Is this Filter by color not available in this version?
It took me awhile even to get the Filter by date. The Filter by date only appeared when I changed the date format from Day/Month/Year to Month/Day/Year.
How can I get the Filter by Color option??
Try Filter with custom sort and select cell color or font color under "sort on". Lets' hope it should work.


Hi Sivakumarrj!

I tried that as well but it's not filtering by color.

In the Excel for the Web (free online version) the Filter by color is not grayed out; it simply doesn't exist.

Have other users of this free online version encountered this as well or is it only me?