How to delete FALSE response in Excel IFS formula

Copper Contributor

I want to display entries from Column B in all instances where a condition is met in Column G. For instance, for all rows where Column G is "Wed" I want to list each of the corresponding Column B entries.  If a row does not show "Wed" in Column G, then I do not want the word "FALSE" to be my result; I'd prefer a blank space instead. Here is my formula:



2 Replies

@NoviceGuy Try the FILTER function wrapped in TEXTJOIN. For example:


=TEXTJOIN(",", TRUE, FILTER(B3:B8, G3:G8="Wed", "None"))


This appears to be what you are trying to accomplish by concatenating multiple IF functions with ",".


As variants

=TEXTJOIN(", ",,IF($G$3:$G$8="Wed", $B$3:$B$8, "") )


=IF( $G$3 = "Wed", $B$3, "" ) &
 IF( $G$4 = "Wed", ", " & $B$4, "" ) &
 IF( $G$5 = "Wed", ", " & $B$5, "" ) &
 IF( $G$6 = "Wed", ", " & $B$6, "" ) &
 IF( $G$7 = "Wed", ", " & $B$7, "" ) &
 IF( $G$8 = "Wed", ", " & $B$8, "")

depends on Excel version